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ongoing campaigns
3/5 mostly done
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0/4 done
0/2 done



Amren Glas
About Amely
Child of Kialla, Lady Amely, Deceiver of Pride, Child of the Banshee
Prodigy of the daughter, enemy of the kingdom.
light cleric, dark elf with sun elf illusion

Age | Gender | Pronouns | Sexuality | Height | Heritage | Class |
21 | Cis Female | she/her | bisexual | 5'3" | Dark Elf | Light Cleric of Kialla |
Birthday: 1st Darif of Utull | . | . | . | . | Sun Elf Illusion | . |
Appearance Notes
▹ Tanned skin
▹ Long golden blonde hair
▹ Covered in freckles
▹ Round eyes.
▹ Full lips with cupids bow
▹ Orange eyes
▹ Curvy but binds her chest.
▹ Two phoenix feather tattoos on her cheeks, symmetrical.
▹ She has never seen her Dark Elf form as she had the illusion cast on her as a baby when her tattoos were inked onto her cheeks.SCARRING
▹No notable scars at this time.
▹ Favourite flower is the white Anemone. Also known as a windflower or The Bride.
▹ Loves spicy food.
▹ Favourite book is Ember or Land.
▹ Loves the rain as its perfect for reading, studying or just existing without everything on her shoulders.
▹ Destruction of books.
▹ Losing her notebook.
▹She is an aggressive note taker and loves to write things down, even if they seem minimal.
▹ Reading romance novels. (New to adult romance lol)
▹Cleric of Kialla since birth.
Kialla, The Phoenix of Creation:
Fire is life. Fire gives life. Fire takes life. Life must be extinguished in order for life to thrive. The evils of the night must be burned away to birth the foundations of society. Before there was law, before there was order, there was fire. And fire burned all, but it all needed it.Kingdom AcceptanceHigh Griffin Republic - Accepted
Northwaste - The Carmine Fervor Confederation - Taboo
Principality of Trintalia - Accepted
The Scorch Empire - AcceptedGeneral Notes
Many people follow Kialla for different reasons. As the ‘Phoenix of Creation’, that can be interpreted by many things.Creation of, what? Life? In order for life to be created and prosper and grow, the darkness and terrors of the world must be eradicated. Creation of society? Society requires laws, laws require order, and true order cannot survive if there are those that actively wage against it. Creation of peace? Almost always, peace is a byproduct of subduing those who will listen, and exterminating those who fight against the idea.That’s not to say followers of Kialla are hellbent on violence. They are typically caring people, but understand that violence is a necessary path to the ideals they seek.Fire is life. Fire gives life. Fire takes life. Life must be extinguished in order for life to thrive. The evils of the night must be burned away to birth the foundations of society. Before there was law, before there was order, there was fire. And fire burned all, but it all needed it.Appearance
Kialla’s physical appearance, In art, monuments, etc, it differs slightly. from that of a Valkyrie like female with wings of fire, and burning red hair, to having literal hair of fire, to being a literal Phoenix
▹ Lip reading.
▹Has been trained to be a leader and does her best to be someone who does not stamp out others.
▹Good at recognizing others strengths and utilizing it. Believes in teamwork.
▹Smells like citrus teas, fresh linen and books.
▹ Has a very good boy named Arfie. (He is actually a very bad dog for anyone but Amely.)
▹ While her mother was off being the Skyblade of the Dream Province, Amely and her would read books together and send letters back and forth about their thoughts. Their favorite's were hero and romance stories, though they stuck to teen romances.
▹ Has a fiance named Thaxton whose family is rich from training Skyblades for centuries. This was a sort of arranged marriage. He sucks, however, and she has always appreciated the kindness and humour of his twin brother, Theon, more.
About Amren
shadow sorcerer / raven queen warlock / half wood elf

Age | Gender | Pronouns | Sexuality | Height | Heritage | Class |
28 | Cis Female | she/her | bisexual | 5'3" | Half Wood-Elf | Raven Queen Warlock |
. | . | . | . | . | Reborn | Shadow Sorcerer |
Appearance Notes
▹ Tanned skin
▹ Auburn hair with blonde streak.
▹ Covered in freckles
▹ Slit in left eyebrow.
▹ Round eyes.
▹ Full lips
▹ Left eye blue, right eye brown.
▹ Curvy with a small waist.
▹ Larger chest. Very good assets. Named her breasts 'deception and persuasion.'
▹ Walks with a sway. It looks sexy but was caused by a dagger to the foot.SCARRING
▹Scar on lip from a cursed flute.
▹ Scar on front and back of her right hand after a spell went through it.
▹ Sandlewood.
▹ Sex.
▹ Flirting to get her way.
▹ Drinking with her bestfriend, Ren. (When she could drink.)
▹ Anyone upsetting Ren.
▹ Jealousy.
▹Collecting pets and other fantastical creatures.
▹ Adding spells to her Book of Shadows.
▹She is a Reaper. She can help souls pass on.
▹ Flirting.
▹Enjoys the joys of life. Is not monogamous unless she is in a discussed romantic relationship. Update: She is now in a monogamous relationship with Lavender.
▹Cries a lot. Working on it.
▹Amren cannot smell or taste unless it is incredibly strong.
▹Amren does not sleep. She must rest for 4 hours but can continue to hear and see during this time.
▹ Amren calls the Raven Queen, 'Mom.'
▹ Other Reapers hate her for the special treatment she recieves.
▹She recently died again and due to a contract, is currently in Hell working under Lilith with her bestfriend, Ren. They are ghosts.
About Baxter

Age | Gender | Pronouns | Sexuality | Height | Heritage | Class |
27 | Cis Female | she/her | heteroromantic | 5'1" | Tiefling | Bard |
Died at 19 | . | . | bisexual | . | Reborn | College of Spirits |
Appearance Notes
▹ Blue skin
▹ Dark blue hair that has a light cyan ombre.
▹ Thicker, bushy eyebrows.
▹ Covered in freckles
▹Beautiful cheekbones with small chin
▹Full purple lips
▹ Missing canines
▹ Ice blue eyes with lighter coloured pupil, normal sclera
▹ Petite
▹ Itty bitty tiddy comittee
▹ Very pretty. She was previously known as 'The Beauty of the Circus'.SCARRING
▹around wrists and ankles
▹ under hair from loss of horns
▹tailbone from loss of tail
▹ 1cm diameter circle on base of neck (from her death?)
▹ Lavender scents
▹ Big hot red tiefling mans..
▹ Feminism
▹ Mansplaining
▹ Dirt or getting dirty
▹Finding ways to clean
▹ Journaling
▹Tarokka Card readings
▹ Ghost Whisperer
▹Baxter is optimistic despite her backstory.
▹She believes that optimism does not mean every day is a good one. It means knowing that good days will return.
▹ She is very open and honest during conversation. She is very honest in a conversation. Such as calling out mansplaining, rudeness and stupidity.
▹ She likes everyone until proven otherwise, however, has a harder time trusting men due to her past with the Circus as well as the other side of men she saw in the high end brothel she works at. However, she still tries to give people the benefit of the doubt.
▹Baxter cannot smell or taste unless it is incredibly strong.
▹Baxter does not sleep. She must rest for 4 hours but can continue to hear and see during this time.
▹ Due to being unable to smell, she has a fear of being smelly and cleans herself consistently with spells.
Baxter's Adventuring Party
group name pending
Note: These are either what my character knows or thinks.
Greater Tiefling/Fighter/Barbarian
Baxter's partner. They are madly in love and comfortable in it.Previously was stuck in Hell after he died. He shared a body with Nox, a changeling who took in his soul when he was sacrified by her family.Big hot red tiefling. Big horns, brown hair and beard. Yellow eyes.
Goblin/Phantom Rogue
A liar and a thief, but a good friend.Green skin, large ears and yellow eyes. Often wears a plague mask or a large metal helmet. Almost sports a purple suits and bowler.
Changeling/Blood Hunter
Shared a body with Ebros at the beginning of the campaign. Baxter treated her like a daughter/sister even when Ebros was gone.Pale, white eyes and looong white hair.
Not Currently Adventuring Together
Gnome/Circle of the Moon Druid
From Neverwinter forest, searching for her missing family. Grew up with a family of foxes.Short, loooooong messy red hair thats constantly getting tangled.Stayed in the FeyWilde to look for her family there.
Human/Cleric of the Platinum Dragon
Like a big brother, Baxter and him always butt heads but they see eachother as family. He is trying to reason with his future which is in service of the Platinum Dragon, even in death.Tall blonde mans. Very pretty boy. Shiny.Left the party with a gift as he needed to help his friend.
Party + Main NPC's Height Chart - pending
Amren's Adventuring Party
The God Squad
Note: These are either what my character knows or thinks.
Cassius Madbeard
Hill Dwarf/Fighter/Barbarian
A man who loves to threaten to eat Amren's pets, enjoys hunting and kicking ass.Has a tree god.Long red beard, long red hair. Quite handsome despite his ruggedness.
Aasimar/Paladin of Selune
Previously cursed to be a duck and becoming Amren's pet, gifted by Ren. She is now taking up the mantle of the sword. Cel is a nononsense woman.Tan skin, long rich brown hair, pericing blue eyes and large mallard like wings.
Dorn, Prince of the Spring Court
From Baldur's Gate, a sweet but low INT man ready to kick ass for his friends.Large man with warm dark skin and monks robes.
Rennyn Vyshaan
Half Elf/Wild Magic Sorcerer
Best friend to Amren since she met her. Grouchy but affectionate towards Amren.Shoulder lengthand poorly chopped brown hair, like done in a rush. Beautiful hazel eyes and tends to wear less saturated colours or blacks.
Party + Main NPC's Height Chart
Amely's Adventuring Party
no current party title
Note: These are either what my character knows or thinks.
Asmira Miraflore
A member of the Miraflore family, another political family in Lions Mane. While Amely's family focuses on the war, also known as The Cerulean Campaign, the Miraflore's focus on helping the under privileged.Has a patron named Rose.Pink pink pink, cute dress, half cape, staff, cardcaptor sakura vibes.
Brynn & Finn
Wood Elves/Ranger & Rogue
Previous soldiers in the Cerulean Campaign they left to search for their little sister, Elora, who is believed to be kidnapped by Barashee.While Brynn worships Atris, Finn does not seem religious.Tan skin with rich brown hair and golden eyes. Where Brynn is open and bright colours, Finn is dark and shadowed.
Lorian Sunweaver
Bard/Warlock/Sun Elf
From the Scorch Empire and from a wealthy family, though seems to have dipped his toes into some criminal enterprises..PRETTY. Legs for days, yellow gold eyes, red hair. Was long but has now been chopped.
Ronan Thyrael
From Trintalia, a boy who loves chaos, talks consistently and loves making people smile. Absolutely adores animals and often sleeps outdoors.Tall & lanky, short blonde hair, bright blue eyes, baby faced. PUPPY VIBES.
FAMILY▹ Agrel Seraph, Skyblade of Pride, Father of Amely
A sun elf man with burning bright red hair, gold-tan skin and an angelic face. However, as the Skyblades are, he is extremely deadly on the battlefield. Wife is Antora who was killed on the Night of Fallen Eclipse.He is a loving and compassionate soul when it comes to his family, and an extremely devout worshipper of Kialla. He is also the biggest supporter and leader in the war against The Northwaste, as the land he is responsible for borders The Northwaste, and thus, he overseas many of the battles, and most of the bloodshed.▹ Antora Jilla: Former Skyblade of Dreams, Mother of Amely
Deceased. Sun Elf, short brown hair and a kind face. Antora was a beautiful, sweet, and charming woman, who cared very much for her daughter, Amely Seraph and for Agrel Seraph, even though she did not see the former often. That was until the infamous Night of Fallen Eclipse, where the former Skyblade of Daring, Hydrona Lilac - The Crescent Queen, murdered Antora Jilla in her own castle, and fled to The Northwaste, her Dark Elf followers in suit, and established herself as The Crescent Queen of The Northwaste..▹ Kyrene, The Storm Banshee, Birth Mother of Amely
See enemies.FRIENDS + ALLIES▹ Caerwyn Offstadter: Her bestfriend in Lions Mane
same age as Amely, daughter of the local Cleric at the Temple of Kialla. Dark skin tone, human. Dark brown eyes and long braided brown hair.▹ Siri Offstadter: Sister to Caerwyn
5 years younger. Dark skin, coily afro hair, dark brown eyes, beautiful smile.▹ Thaxton Jothana: Fiance to Amely, arranged
Twin to Theon, he is the melee tutor to Amely. Handsome, blonde. Dimples. Very fit, 6ft tall. Sun elf. 3 years older than Amely. Very self absorbed and gaslighty.▹ Theon Jothana: Friend to Amely
Twin to Thaxton, he is the baker and owner of Rune Rise Bakery. Handsome, blonde. Dimples. Hefty, thiccc, 6ft tall. Sun elf. 3 years older than Amely. He lives above his bakery because he does not like actions and way of life of the richer folk in Lions Mane.
"You could never bore me" - To AmelyENEMIES▹ Hydrona Lilac, The Crescent Queen, Former Skyblade of Daring, Betrayer of the Republic.
While she was the Skyblade of Dare Province, Agrel Seraph felt she was too lax with religious worship and racial disagreements. Agrel often called her a heretic. On the Night of Fallen Eclipse, the Skyblade of Daring was at a meeting in the Dream Province. She murdered Antora, Amely's mother, and absconded to the Northwaste where she established the city of Grim Den and continues to attack the High Griffin Republic along with many other Dark Elves who followed.▹ Kyrene, The Storm Banshee, Birth Mother of Amely
Apparently her birth mother, the woman who allowed her to be tattooed and switched at birth with the Seraphs baby. Dark Elf. Amely has not met her.. yet. Left hand of Barashee who works under The Crescent Queen.▹Barashee, The Forgotten One, The Traitorous Witch
Higher up under Hydrona Lilac, The Crescent Queen. She is apparently taking children, especially magic users.▹Jana
Right hand of Barashee who works under The Crescent Queen.▹Soul of Ashes, Magic Granpa, The Short Loser, Soul Daddy, Ash Grandpa, Old Man Ashes
Deep scratrchy voice, always appears in a cloak where his face is almost completely shadowed. Revealed to Amely and Agrel that she is not their birth daughter and continues to mess with the party. It is still unknown whether we are true enemies or we just have the same enemies at the moment..
FRIENDS + ALLIES▹ Rennyn: Her bestfriend and platonic soulmate.
half elf, half demon? / grey/hazel eyes / brown hair▹ Lavender: Her fiance
Vampire, previous elf. Was a cleric at the Harpers until she was almost killed by a devil and brought back as a Vampire.Short blonde hair, strong nose, big smile and lavender eyes.▹ Nico: The Vampire & Rennyn's Partner
Vampire prince. Previously was a cat due to being cursed. Is madly in love with Ren.Tall and pale with dark eyes and dark hair. hothothot.▹ Tharian: Fae Prince and Drug Lord
Prince of the Spring Court and married to Dorn.Tall, long blonde hair, sassy.ENEMIES▹ Orcus: Demon Prince and Grandfather?? to Rennyn.▹Lilith: Devil with a contract to own Amren and Ren at one of their deaths. This has happened at they are currently dead.
FRIENDS + ALLIESMoonstone Mask
▹ Mistress Moira Thuli: Owner and Lady of the Moonstone Mask
purple drow / turqoise eyes / white hair
▹ Nori: Baxter's closest friend at the brothel.
half elf / pale skin / brunette / blue eyes / sassy and hyper
▹Kelric: Second BFF. Nori, Bax and him hangout often.
elf / handsome / dark coily hair / rich brown skin / dark grey eyes
▹ Shitha: Very protective of Bax but incredibly private.
drow / dark purple skin / white hair / purple eyes / problem child of The MaskFamily
▹ Zarius: Her father that she recently found in Waterdeep.
He does not remember who her mother is. Pirate Captain (privateer) for The Harper's.
Large beefy blue tiefling, huge bull like horns. Kind eyes.ENEMIESBrynelis & Zinfiel Circus
▹ Vulwin Brynelis: Co-Owner of the B&Z
Baxter sliced his throat on the way out of the circus and believes him to be dead.
Update: He is indeed alive.
high elf / pale / raven black hair / crystal blue eyes / handsome
▹ Pharaan Zinfiel: Co-Owner of the B&Z.
Was the one to suggest that Baxter’s horns and tail be removed.
high elf / tan / red hair / golden eyes / handsome
▹ Healer (Name unknown):
The healer hired to remove Baxter’s horns and tail and file her canines down. Seemed to relish in the removal.
appearance unknown / could only see bright yellow eyes glowing under their hood
▹Sir Malek: Baxter's guard at the circus.
Saw what was happening to Baxter and did nothing to stop it.
high elf / tall / clean shaven / buff boy / blonde hair / tan / brown eyes▹ Uvias: High Wizrd from Waterdeep
A high wizard who Vulwin and Pharaan were supplying bodies to experiment on to. It is highly likely he is the one who killed Baxter and.. the one who brought her back. Currently missing after causing an explosion and the party has not met him.
Amely's Backstory
Within the bedchamber of the Burning Walls, the wails of a newborn can be heard reverberating off the stone. A few moments pass as the midwife, Maylin Farrel, prepares the baby for her adoring and weeping parents. What an event birth is, emotions high, time lost...Maylin gently places the new born baby girl upon Antora's chest, Agrel cooing at her softly. 'Amely', Antora says. 'She will be brave and diligent, just as her father.' Agrel kisses them both on the forehead, disregarding Maylin as she swiftly leaves the chamber, the dirty clothes and wash bucket in her arms, ever the hardworking midwife. She leaves the new proud and enraptured parents to their daughter, Amely, born with the birthmarks of Kialla upon her face, an obvious sign of her importance to the Phoenix of Creation.Upon her introduction into society, as the daughter of Agrel, Skyblade of Pride, and Antora, Skyblade of Dreams, both avid worshippers of The Phoenix of Creation, she is lovingly labeled as The Child of Kialla, prophesied to be a great leader and warrior for the people of High Griffin Republic, just like her parents.Throughout her 21 years of life, Amely is systematically trained in the world of politics, religion, geography and the people of Valariya by her tutor, Gandor Brightbeard . An assiduous student, keeping a notebook of her many teachings with her at all times to refer back to at a moment's notice.Her mother, Antora, while devoted and loving, often lived away from The Burning Halls as she was the Skyblade of Dreams and needed in her own province. While she stayed in Blue Horizon, she would visit as often as she could to see her daughter and they would delight together over their found love of books.Amely and Antora often fawned over the same book together, particularly volumes of heroism and romance, sending letters of their thoughts on each character, love affair and every other detail. It was their way of bonding when they had to be apart; knowing the other was immersed in the very same story.You could find Amely often in her favourite part of the castle, a nook in the 3rd floor library dedicated to reading, along with her very good dog, Arfie.Agrel, profoundly proud of his daughter, often leaves her to her own devices in Lion's Mane while he attends to his duties along the border of their province of Pride where The Cerulean Campaign wages.Amely would spend her free time, outside her consistent classes, with her best friend and most trusted confidant, Caerwyn, and her younger sister, Siri, the daughters of the local Cleric of Kialla, Varys Offstadter. You could find them drinking tea in the backrooms of the church, praying together in the pews or Caer and Siri watching Amely train in combat on the castle grounds with her Melee Combat tutor, Thaxton Jothana.Amely met Thaxton at the age of 9 when his father, Ogren, was her combat tutor. Thaxton was 3 years older than her and Amely instantly took a liking to him. He often attended her Melee classes, helping her more as they got older with Ogren declining in health quicker than anyone expected.When Amely was 15, Ogren passed away in his bed with his family and Amely surrounding him.From then on, Thax became her permanent tutor and Amely never had a complaint. He was very pretty to look at.Many in Lion's Mane, including Caerwyn and Siri, would often speak how Amely and Thaxton would make a strong and capable couple, so that is exactly what they did.Thaxton, handsome but not a romantic, would take her on walks to help keep her fit and spend time with her in the library. Though he complained of boredom often. Amely, a lover of romance, had concluded that it was something only found in storybooks.At the age of 16, one year after Ogren's death, Antora, Amely's beloved mother, was murdered by fellow Skyblade, Hydrona Lilac, during an assumed diplomatic meeting at Oceanguard, the castle of Dream Province in Blue Horizon, far away from Amely. Immediately, Hydrona absconded from the High Griffin Republic, all other Dark Elves following suit. Joining her in the city they now call Grim Den in the Northwastes, worshiping Hydrona as The Crescent Queen.This day in history is now called The Night of Fallen Eclipse.After the loss of her mother, Amely distanced herself from Thaxton during her time in the library, these becoming stolen moments in her day where she allowed herself time to grieve. It took her 3 years to pick up another book.At the age of 21, despite the loss of her mother, Amely was thriving. She had a handsome and skilled man by her side, a kind and unwavering comrade in Caerwyn, an adorable canine and wonderful and skilled tutors, chefs, maids, librarians and more. She had almost everything she has ever wanted.One day, a strange man in heavy black robes lined up to speak before Agrel Seraph, Amely sitting next to him, in his throne room at The Burning Walls during the Assembly, a time when commoners and higher ups alike can enter the throne room to make requests.He spoke of Amely being a false prophet, a bastardization of the gods, claiming her birthmarks to be an outright abomination and deception.The crowd gasping, Agrel immediately threatened to kill him if he did not leave at once, scoffing at his claims, and so the man left. But over a few days, it was obvious that some seeds of doubt were sowed within the province of Pride, and Agrel asked that Amely have her birthmarks inspected by their highest mages.This felt like a silly request, but of course they would go forward with it for their people. This was so ridiculous in fact, Agrel left for the frontlines before Amely's meeting with the high mage's.Amely sat before the highest of mages in Pride. She sat calmly, and thought about what her and Caerwyn might get up to later that same day as they spent most evenings together.Adorellan, Ehlark and Mirthal, all high mages at the Pride School of Magic sat before Amely, discussing her birthmarks at first but then moving on to other topics such as her future engagement to Thaxton, how Arfie was doing and even what the weather was like that day.They went through physical examination, seeing no signs of tampering with her birthmark.Then they moved on to spell work and soon discovered that her birthmark was indeed tattoos, inked into her skin so young they look immaculately natural. Mirthal, a teacher and astute wizard in the school of Illusion soon detected that the markings indeed had illusion magic. Amely began to sweat, and worry. Everything was so fine moments ago? This cannot be real?Mirthal cast a spell, unknown to Amely, and jumped back, grasping at his chest in fear, bellowing 'We have been deceived! This is not the daughter of Kialla! A dark elf sits before us! Quick, bind her!'Amely barely had time to think before she grabbed her cloak and ran with only what she had on her. She did not stop until rest was required, making it outside of Lions Mane and sleeping beneath a canopy of leaves.Exhausted, dirty and bewildered, she cried herself to sleep that night.The next day, she continued making her way south west, thinking of what all this could mean.She must have been switched at birth? It has to be work of The Northwaste, The Carmine Fervor Confederation. The midwife, Maylin, was never seen again. It was thought she had found work elsewhere or traveled to see family. She must have made the switch. Who was she really? Who was Amely really? Who are her parents? What happened to their true baby?Her parents, how she loved them both. How she believed in everything she was brought up to worship. Kialla, did she really hear her? Or was this some other Gods magic flowing through her veins? What did she look like? Does she want the illusion removed, or should she continue to be an imitation of other Sun Elves?Her father, when will he know? Caerwyn, Thaxtor, everything she has had to leave behind. Arfie, her favourite books, the letters from her mother, even her best weapons.She has to keep a good head on her shoulders. This is not her downfall. She will not be a puppet for The Crescent Queen. That will not be her story.With a determined look on her face and her hood up, she travels 2 weeks to Tidewatch. There she will get her bearings. There she will decide what to do next. There she will get a hot meal and find the local newspaper and search for any news on Amely Seraph, the Deceiver of Pride.
Amren's Backstory
TW: talk of drugs.
As far back as I can remember, I only know humans as cruel, selfish and dangerous. I lost my parents when I was too young to remember anything about them and instead I grew up in the streets of Balder's Gate after leaving the orphanage where I was forced to train with weapons. I am so absolutely horrible with any weapons that I grew frustrated and left to defend myself on my own terms. My weapon abilities are so bad that the final day at the orphanage, 'Dana's Orphanage and Academy for Delinquents', I actually dropped a knife directly into my left foot. I still have a bit of pain from where the knife went through and tend to favour my right however most do not notice as I tend to walk with confidence and sway.After many months starving & dirty with only one friend to keep myself company, a rat I call Atreyu who I found mysteriously one day in my pocket, an old crone approached me offering great power for a life of servitude. As a 13 year old girl stuck on the streets in a cruel human realm, I did not care about the negatives. She gave me powers that I could not have dreamed of, but in turn had me do jobs for her. This could be anything from taking the lives of criminals and helping them crossover, or taking the lives of the eldery and children when it was there time. I have an incredibly hard time doing this, watching others lose the ones they loved whether they are leaving or staying.After a handful of years doing the duties of my patron, The Raven Queen, I turned to illegal drugs called Traveller's Dust, allowing me to escape into a different reality and forget all the faces I have seen and killed. Many times I tried to kick the habit but none ever stuck, until...At the age of 22, I was in the middle of coming down from the Traveller's Dust, determined to not fall back into its throws when I sat there in a muddy and grubby tavern, drinking the night away when a smelly large human man appeared in front of me. I dress quite scandalously so this is not abnormal and I often have to ignore or turn suitors away, however this man would not leave and he would not back up. He began to harass me and grabbed my hips. Suddenly, the man was shot back with such force he fell to the floor. Above him stood a taller woman with darker clothing and a hood over her head. She simply stared at him and he ran out of the tavern so quickly that it was hard to keep up with my drunken eyes.Afterwards, I watched her sit back down at the bar and I moved my mug next to hers and sat down. After profusely thanking her and talking definitely too much, I was able to make her smile. I have not picked up Traveller's Dust since then.Now, after two years grabbing mediocre job after job with my new best friend Ren, we have grown to love eachother and cannot imagine what we would be doing without one another.We mainly picked up simple jobs. Delivering packages, working as scribes and other small things but recently we decided to try our hand at protection duties, starting with a group of wagons heading to Karse.
Baxter's Backstory
TW: talk of death, pregnancy and abuse.
The wind was still, and the rain trickled straight down in large slow droplets. Everything smelled of wet soil and grass. She awoke slowly, her first view the cloudy grey sky.When she moved her fingers, she soon realized they were under the dirt. It was grainy and she could feel things moving throughout the earth. She wriggled her toes and found herself missing one shoe.Her body sore, her face half covered in the mud, she quickly began to panic. Screaming into the emptiness.Suddenly, above her face, a stout teen aged girl appeared, leaning over her.‘Are you alright deary?’ She said.She was in a panic, everything seemed hazy. Where was she? Who was she? Who was that?‘Cmon, let’s get you up, that’s right’ she said, egging her to sit up and standing a foot away.She was able to move herself out of the mud, painfully, sore. Did she have wounds that need to be cleaned?She sat there, next to the shallow hole she had crawled out of. Her short hair wrapped in knots around her horns, her tail wrapped around her legs. She took in her surroundings.She was in a large open field, no homes, no buildings, no structures at all in sight. But around her, 5 girls, including the one who spoke, all of varying races, all in their teenage years.‘You’re a right mess you are, you must be cold!’ Exclaimed the young girl, who now stood in front of her.She still couldn’t respond. She was so confused. She had a headache.She stood up, and swayed. The girl went to reach out to help, but hesitated.She decided to stay sitting.She watched the rain fall around her, and slowly, the 5 girls sat in a circle.‘Who am I?’ She says.‘Unlucky’, laughed the red headed girl.The stout one in front of her shushed her friend and pointed at her sleeve.‘I have a hunch that that’s your answer, there on the cuff. You must be very loved’.She looked down to the cuff on her wet and dirty sleeve and wiped at the mud there to find ‘Baxter’ messily embroidered in multi coloured thread.She began to cry.‘But, I don’t know that name.’Moments later, the sound of hooves in the muck made their way to Baxter’s long pointed ears. She looked up suddenly to see a caravan of all shapes and sizes making its way to the clearing.She just sat there and looked at these girls, sitting in front of her.One redhaired and fair, one dark skinned with beautiful dark coils, one with pink skin and small horns, one with purple eyes and beautiful blonde hair and the stout shorter girl in front of her with brown hair and yellow eyes.The caravan slowly made their way closer, and too stunned to do anything but watch, Baxter saw them start to make camp in multiple areas. Many eyes turned to her and her group, confusion and sadness on their faces.Baxter’s ears were ringing, and before she could react, she heard a deep male voice from behind her.‘A bit of an odd place to be in this sort of weather, don’t you think?’She turned to see a tall graceful man, with red hair and a tailcoat.She ignored him, and finally with the courage to speak, began talking to the women in front of her.She soon realized that another man stood behind her, talking amongst themselves.The girls looked upset, but were remarking on how ridiculous their outfits looked, loudly. Tailcoats, top-hats and each with a cane with matching Blue Crystals at the heads.Baxter tried to tell them to be kind to strangers, but giggled along with them. She was in a haze. Confused. None of this made sense. But sitting with the girls felt normal.Suddenly, the redhead opened her eyes wide and yelled ‘LOOK OUT—‘Before she knew it, she was out cold again.3 years later, there was very little Baxter truly knew of that day, of those girls, and of the outside world.What she did know is that this was the Brynelis & Zinfiel Circus, also knows as the B.Z.Vulwin & Pharaan we’re well respected high elves, loved by many. Handsome, regal. They brought laughter to the faces of so many in these trying times in Faerun, and those faces brought gold to their pockets.That fateful day when they stumbled upon Baxter, a beautiful tiefling girl who could seemingly speak to the other side, they knew she was a gold mine.They locked her in chains during the day & brought in many fortune tellers and oracles to teach her the ways of deception and insight. To use her eyes to learn aspects of people. To notice little tells in a person to know exactly what they wanted to hear. She was taught in the ways of simple and helpful magic.They grew out her hair to a beautiful length & dressed her in a beautiful outfit, which chimed as she walked.The day she was trusted to work as the circus fortune teller, with her guard, Sir Malek stationed with her at all times, they soon realized that the people of faerun did not want a ‘Devil’ telling them their fortunes. ‘It’ll only bring bad omens’ they’d say.That night, instead of tossing all the hard work they put in to their new ‘exhibit’ they brought in a local healer to remove her horns and tail, and filed her canines down to a regular elven length.This is a drow, they decided. YOU are a drow, they drilled into her. Your name is Elerra and you love it here at the circus.And each day, she would continue her lessons.During the night, she was brought out as ‘The Oracle of B&Z’ and soon became known as ‘the beauty of the circus.’And during the quiet hours of the morning, when everyone was asleep, she taught herself the art of card throwing. Being able to slice and nick the skin. But, she was Elerra, she was a drow, she loves it here. There was no where else to go.After a few years, chained each night, scars surrounding her wrists and ankles, she began to get more privileges. She was allowed to visit other ‘exhibits’ and soon made friends with Breri, the halfling acrobat. Breri had been here for 13 years and was allowed all privlages. She was a beautiful blonde halfling full of wonder and sass. She admired her.Each night, before she was put in her nightly lock and key, Breri and her would play cards and talk about all the interesting things they saw that day. Breri taught her new things, such as flirting! This was very odd to her and she didn’t understand anything of the sort, but Breri said that you could get a man to do anything with the right words and perfectly timed eyelash batting.Soon, she was doing even better at her work in the circus! She had become a star. Everyone would flock to Elerra, the oracle, the beauty of the circus to hear from their deceased loved ones, or learn if their marriages will fail, or who they should bet on next.2 years later, a total of 5 years being hidden, beaten, and then paraded to the public at Brynelis & Zinfiel Circus, she was exhausted & horribly sad.‘Don’t fret, we have it good here! We are fed, and have a tent over our heads’ Breri would say. But she knew, she knew Breri was kept in similar conditions to her, but she always stayed happy.Besides, where else would she go? She didn’t even know who she was.On a sunny day, during one of her lessons from her fully stationed tutor, Ms. Nyla, Breri asked if she could have a moment with her.Ms. Nyla always had a soft spot for her, even bought her her first set of tarot cards. Of course she allowed it.‘I’m pregnant!!’ - Breri squealed!She was confused, a baby? How? Don’t you have to be married to do that? She couldn’t remember. How does that work?Nonetheless, she was elated. A baby! At the circus! How exciting!‘The father is Garnan, you know that one halfling clown? Oh, he’s just so romantic! We are going to pay out our dues in about 2 months, this is just perfect timing!’Dues. What Vulwin and Pharaan say we owe for all the classes, clothing and food they had purchased for us.‘That is wonderful!’ She exclaimed.‘Promise you’ll come by tonight right after close! I’ll see you then! I’ve got to go tell Vulwin straight away so we can start getting prepared! Ahhh, a baby!’ Breri left, joy on her small cherub face.Later, after a night talking to the spirits, or faking it when necessary, she ran to Breri’s tent.‘I’m sorry I’m late! That last one couldn’t stop wailing it was ridicu——- Breri?’She wasn’t in her tent.She looked all over the circus, but could not find her anywhere. So she searched for Garnon.The halfling would not even look her in the eyes.‘There’s nothing I could of done. Look at me.’Her heart dropped.She ran to Vulwins tent, ‘where is Breri, she said sweetly’. She couldn’t risk being beaten, not tonight, she had to know.‘She’s gone. That exhibit became compromised.’She looked him right in the eye, and she knew.3 nights later, after a successful night at the B&Z, she packed her small satchel with her tarot, her one slipper and the common shirt with the embroidery. All she owned, all that was hers. Lastly, she tucked a small bejewelled dagger into her belt. Garnon had given it to her the day before, when she said she couldn’t do this anymore.She knew he assumed she meant herself, and her own life.She left the tent with a fake smile plastered on her pretty face.Sir Malek had been called as extra security, as one of the circus elephants had gotten out of its pen and was angry. She had been given permission to get her daily walk in on her own.She made her way to Vulwin and Pharaans tent, the biggest one at the end of the circus field. Right on the outskirts.She knew Pharaan was dealing with the Animal Exhibits at this time of night. They had to be calmed after their horrible treatments during circus hours, and the rogue elephant was bound to still be stomping around.She quietly approached the tent.‘Mr. Brynelis? I’m sorry to bother you so late.’Vulwin saw her, and her big doe eyes and beautiful face. She had put extra sparkles on her eyes and added a purple to her lips.He let her in.‘How can I help you, Elerra?’ He said.‘I was wondering if you have any information for me, so I might be better at my work’ she said, looking him in the eye innocently. She knew that it was Vulwin who kept a list of her failures, and he often read them to her while she had her beatings, to be ‘better engrained’ in her mind.After a soft smile, he said ‘of course my dear, you know I only want you to do your best’ and turned toward his desk for his notes.At that moment, she knew she should strike. She grabbed the dagger that was intended for her.She sliced out at Vulwins throat and the moment he went to reach for the wound, she used her Mage Hand to keep the tent flaps closed enough so no one would see the fallen body. She didn’t have time to check if he was dead before she grabbed his over sized cloak, cut a hole in the back of the tent, and ran.She ran and ran, spirits telling her left, right, forward, keep going, eventually finding safety just inside the city limits.She sat in an alleyway, cold and shivering so hard her gold accents on her clothing jingled quietly in the chill night air. It sounded like magic.She heard laughter and two woman approached her. One short and wearing commoners clothes, the other wrapped in a deep purple cloak. Her voice was soothing as she said, ‘Miss?’‘Miss are you alright?’ She helped her up, and pulled back her hood. She was a beautiful purple drow woman, absolutely stunning.She pulled her into whatever building she seemed to have been sitting against, and it was a dazzling lavish interior filled with pillows, women and the smell of strawberries.She brought her to a private room, along with the other shorter woman.‘You must be so cold’ she said, wrapping her in a blanket. She was reminded of the yellow eyed girl from that day in the rain, long ago.This woman seemed kind, and explained that this was a high end brothel. She asked if she was brought here by someone?She continued to stay quiet, and tucked her bloody hands into her coat, but the woman quickly realized and asked the other woman to grab some water and soap. She was cleaned off with a full bath.The woman did not miss the scars on her wrists and ankles, nor the mysterious 1 cm diameter scar on the back of her neck.She looked to the shorter woman, who nodded in response.‘I’m in need of a new ladies maid. Terra here is having a baby in 4 months time and will no longer be able to work for me. Would you like a job? It will be discreet.’While staring straight ahead, tears began to well up in her eyes.‘Yes’ she said.My name is Moira Thuli, the beautiful woman said to her, what shall I call you?Turning her head to look her directly in the eyes, she said:‘Baxter. You can call me Baxter.’After 3 years at the Moonstone Mask, working as the 'Ladies Maid', title given to the maid of the Mistress, also cleaning up throughout and helping wherever she can, she had a found family.After 3 years of working through her trauma, mostly staying inside the brothel until 2 years had passed, when she started being brave enough to run errands in the Neverwinter markets, she began to wonder. Who was she?Moira convinced Baxter that maybe... She should go on an adventure and find out. She recommended Baxter get a journal to keep track of her thoughts and travels!Moira gave her a beautiful dagger with a moonstone to match her other one and remind her of her found family. Reminding her to write, she gave Baxter all she needed and Baxter went out on her own.She started by asking a man she knows frequents the Moonstone Mask and she believes to be an adventurer due to his many scars... which she accidentally saw too much of.She asked if he knew of any current jobs that she could start with and he mentioned word of Mercenaries needed in Phandolin.She heads out that night wearing a thick dark blue cloak as she begins her travel. She first visits a local Tavern searching for other adventurers that can help her on the 3 day trip to Phandolin.She meets a scarred mercenary human woman named Zel, a gruff angry person but quiet enough for the travels. Zel's friend, a firbolg man named Kreol joined on us on the travels. A very nice man in fact, who made sure Baxter was warm throughout the whole trip, not that she needed it.
Amely Seraph
light cleric, dark elf with sun elf illusion
▹ Tanned skin
▹ Long golden blonde hair
▹ Covered in freckles
▹ Round eyes.
▹ Full lips with cupids bow
▹ Orange eyes
▹ Curvy but binds her chest.
▹ Two phoenix feather tattoos on her cheeks, symmetrical.
▹ She has never seen her Dark Elf form as she had the illusion cast on her as a baby when her tattoos were inked onto her cheeks.SCARRING
▹No notable scars at this time.
She wears a black body suit underneath to cover the goods.
▹ Tanned skin
▹ Auburn hair with blonde streak.
▹ Covered in freckles
▹ Slit in left eyebrow.
▹ Round eyes.
▹ Full lips
▹ Left eye blue, right eye brown.
▹ Curvy with a small waist.
▹ Larger chest. Very good assets. Named her breasts 'deception and persuasion.'
▹ Walks with a sway. It looks sexy but was caused by a dagger to the foot.SCARRING
▹Scar on lip from a cursed flute.
▹ Scar on front and back of her right hand after a spell went through it.
▹ Blue skin
▹ Dark blue hair that has a light cyan ombre.
▹ Thicker, bushy eyebrows.
▹ Covered in freckles
▹Beautiful cheekbones with small chin
▹Full purple lips
▹ Missing canines
▹ Ice blue eyes with lighter coloured pupil, normal sclera
▹ Petite
▹ Itty bitty tiddy comittee
▹ Very pretty. She was previously known as 'The Beauty of the Circus'.SCARRING
▹around wrists and ankles
▹ under hair from loss of horns
▹tailbone from loss of tail
▹ 1cm diameter circle on base of neck (from her death?)
Amely's Q&A
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Amren's Q&A
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Baxter's Q&A
Have a question for Baxter? Fill out this form!
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meet hailiiz
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ♡ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
she/her ♡ 28 ♡ canada
Hi! 🌷 I'm hailiiz (hey-liz) but you can also call me Ricky!I am a full time artist from Canada and I started my artistic journey in 2017, when I started dreaming of being a full time artist.Thanks to my wonderful community, I realized that dream in late 2021. I cannot be more thankful and honoured to have my hai baby community by my side.I enjoy fantasy artwork, especially of my original characters and other canon characters I am in love with! I am a huge Critical Role fan and started playing a lot of Dungeons and Dragons in 2020!Currently I work in home with my trusty assistant, Jonno (aka my cat, who is very ineffective as an assistant but adorable nontheless!) and my partner. I love spending the late evenings or early mornings reading, playing animal crossing, Baldurs Gate 3 or The Sims4!
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